Data Science Projects

Climb Wise

Climb Wise

With 15 years of climbing experience and meticulous record keeping of 2500+ routes I have climbed, along with data available on the well know website Mountain Project and open source project Open Beta, I have a treasure trove of climbing and geospatial data. This project uses Python, Pandas, Geopandas, Folium, Postgres w/ PostGIS, Google Maps API to perform EDA, build classification models using Decision Trees, Random Forest, and displays GPS data on an interactive map.

Kaggle Competitions

Kaggle Competitions

While I'm new to Kaggle competitions, I completed the Titanic Challenge with an accuracy score of 79%. The max score tends to top out around 82% (without cheating). I plan to compete in these compitions regularly as I grow my experience in data science.

Software Projects

Apollo Photography

Apollo Photography

I'm building a professional Ruby on Rails website to sell photography from my 2024 Sabbatical. Expected completion early 2025. See a small sample over on the Sabbatical page

Open Beta

Open Beta

As an avid rock climber, I contribute to the only open source database of climbing info available. Open Beta also feeds my data science project Climb Wise. Github Project.

Conways Game of Life

Conways Game of Life

Conways Game of life was the first real "program" I wrote. It's old, but a classic! You can see all the other toy programs I wrote when first learning to code 10+ years ago on Khan Academy. Just know I've come a long way since then!


View my professional resume here.